Everyone in their twenties thinks they have bottomless energy. We tell ourselves we will outwork the competition and stay at the office later than our peers because we believe speed equals success.
It’s a mistake.
Our careers are a marathon, always have been, and success belongs to those who maintain balance. All of us have several roles in life other than work: we are friends, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, boyfriends, girlfriends, athletes, activists, and artists. They too deserve your attention.
Why do we invest so much time in our work? Maybe it’s for more money, or more titles, or to appear more attractive? For me, it goes a little deeper. It’s a desperate need to matter.
Another mistake.
Instead of work fueled by purpose, it's work fueled by anxiety and fear. What beautiful product has ever been designed under such conditions?
It’s ironic how we think placing all our attention on work will elevate the rest of our life. It is just the opposite. To be fully present during each of your roles refills your cup and makes you happier so can tackle work with confidence and grace.
Performance is dictated by happiness, not the other way around.